Showing 66961–66972 of 80751 results


The Works (…) With an Essay on his Life and Genius by Arthur Murphy, Esq. In two volumes c...


YOUNG Edward.

The works of Edward Young, D.D., author of Night Thoughts. Revised and corrected by Himself. A N...


BURNS Robert.

The Works of R.B. with an Account of His Life, and a Criticism on His Writings. To Which are pre...



The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Collected by Mr. Tickell. With a Complete Inde...


MOORE Thomas.

The works of Thomas Moore, accurately printed from the last original editions. Complete in one v...



The works to prepare and draw up a vocabulary of the Justinian legislation.


POPE Alexande, Esq.

The Works. In 9 Volumes, Complete. With Notes and Illustrations by Joseph Warton, D. D. and Othe...


Balzac H. de.

The Works. Vol. VI: Ursule Mirouet and other stories. Vol. XXVII: The Rise and Fall of Cesar Bir...



The World Economy. Towards Global Disequilibrium. American-Asian Indifference and European Fears...


Blake W.

The World is Mine. The story of a modern Monte Cristo.


Mirsky J. - Nevins A.

The world of Eli Whitney.


COWDEN W. Roy (a cura di).

The Writer and his Craft. Twenty Lectures to the Young Writer.Foreword by Roy W. Cowden.
