Showing 45181–45192 of 80781 results


Letters from A Nobleman to His Son, during the period of his education at Eton and Oxford. In tw...


Dufferin (Lord).

Letters from High Latitudes, being some account of a voyage in the schooner yacht “Foam” to ...


RICCOBONI Marie Jeanne.

Letters from Lord Rivers to Sir Charles Cardigan, and to other English correspondents, while he ...


WOODS Joseph.

Letters of an Architect, from France, Italy, and Greece.


Dundonald J.

Letters to a Vice-Chancellor.


Burns R.

Letters to Clarinda. Frontispiece by S.B. Pears & Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. With Intr...



Letters to His Wife. Edited by Trudy Bliss.


SWIFT Jonathan.

Letters, written by Jonathan Swift, D.D. Dean of St. Patrick’s, Dublin, and Several of His...



Letters: 1679-1699. Edited, with an Introduction by Geoffrey F. Nuttal, and a Foreword by Lady P...


Shenston William.

Letters. Edited with an Introduction by D. Mallam.



Lettore (Il) di provincia. Rivista trimestrale. Direttore Tino Dalla Valle. Anni II-XXXIX. NN. 4...



Lettore (Il) di Stadio.
