Showing 66577–66588 of 80782 results


The Little Prince. Written and drawn by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. TRanslated by katherine Woods.


Duke of Norfolk (A cura di).

The lives of Philip Howard Earl of Arundel and of Anne Dacres, his wife. Edited from the origina...



The Lizard of Piana di Cavallo Island (southeastern Corsica): Podarcis Muralis Contii subsp. Nov...


Burke T.

The London Spy. A Book of Town Travels.


Buchan J.

The Long Traverse. Illustratred by J. Morton Sale.


PANN Abel.

The Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden.


TOLKIEN John Ronald Reuel.

The Lord of the Rings. Part one: The fellowship of the ring. – Part two: The two towers. P...



The Lost Revolution. The Story of Twenty Years od negleted Opportunities in Vietnam and of Ameri...


carpenter r.

The lost stautes of the east pediment of the Parthenon. In: Hesperia. Journal of the American Sc...


MAURIAC François.

The loved and the unloved. (Galigat). Translated by Gerard Hopkins.


Richardson A. (Mrs.).

The Lover of Queen Elizabeth. Being the Life and Character of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester (...


kapp j.

The Loves of Richard Wagner.
