Visualizzazione di 6541-6552 di 80693 risultati


Britain. An Official Handbook. 1960 edition.

Bersellini Mario.

Britannia senza veli. Quarta edizione. Prefazione dell’avv. gr. cord. Pietro Cogliolo.


BRITANNICA Book of the Year 1965.


Britannico. Commedia in tre atti sulla maniera della “Niobe” di Harry Paulton.

Racine J.

Britannicus. Extrait du Théatre choisi de Racine par J. Fourcassié.


British Broadcasting. […] Illustrated.

Herrig L.

British Classical Authors, with Biographical Notices. On the Basis of a Selection by L. Herrig. ...


British Exhibition Art 6 ’75 Basel. (43 artisti fra cui: Francis Bacon, Anthony Caro, Luci...

MILES Henry Downes.

British Field Sports. A Valuable Work of Reference for the Gentleman, the Sportsman, the Farmer,...


Keeling D.F. (Edited by).

British Library History: Bibliography 1962-1968. (Librarians – Librarianship – Libra...


British Museum. Londra.

Gray S.O.

British sea-weeds: an introduction to the study of the marine algae of Great Britain, Ireland, a...